September 06, 2011 Posted in programming  |  autofixture

Behavior changes in AutoFixture 2.2 – Anonymous numbers

Now that AutoFixture 2.2 is approaching on the horizon, it’s a good time to start talking about some of the changes that were made to the underlying behavior of some existing APIs. I’ll start off this series of posts by focusing on the new generation strategy for anonymous numbers.

The good old fashioned way

Before I jump into the details of what exactly has been changed and how, allow me to set up a little bit of stage:

A key part of AutoFixture’s mission statement is to make the process of authoring unit tests faster by providing an easy way of creating test values (or “specimens“) for the variables involved in the test. The goal of providing values that are as neutral as possible to the test scenario at hand is achieved by employing “constrained non-deterministic” generation algorithms.

Put in simple terms, this essentially means that AutoFixture will come up with test values at run time that can be considered “random” within some predefined bounds. These bounds are imposed at the lowest level by the variable’s own data type: a string is a string, a number is a number and so on. More constraints, however, can be added at a higher level, based on any semantics the variable may have in the specific test scenario. For example a string can’t be longer than 20 characters or a number must be between 1 and 100.

AutoFixture comes with a set of built-in generation algorithms that can produce test values for all the primitive types included in the .NET Framework. The algorithm for numeric types has historically been based on individually incremented sequences, one for each numeric data type. Let’s look at an example that illustrates this:

var fixture = new Fixture();
Console.WriteLine("Byte specimen is {0}, {1}",
Console.WriteLine("Int32 specimen is {0}, {1}",
Console.WriteLine("Single specimen is {0}, {1}",

// The output will be:
// Byte specimen is 1, 2
// Int32 specimen is 1, 2
// Single specimen is 1, 2

The key point here is that AutoFixture will only guarantee unique numeric specimens within the scope of a specific data type. Now, you may wonder how this would be a problem. Well, it certainly isn’t in itself, but if you asked AutoFixture to give you an anonymous instance of a class with multiple properties of different numeric types, you would get something like this:

public class NumericBag
    public byte ByteValue { get; set; }
    public int Int32Value { get; set; }
    public float SingleValue { get; set; }

var fixture = new Fixture();
var specimen = fixture.CreateAnonymous();
Console.WriteLine("ByteValue property is {0}", specimen.ByteValue);
Console.WriteLine("Int32Value property is {0}", specimen.Int32Value);
Console.WriteLine("SingleValue property is {0}", specimen.SingleValue);

// The output will be:
// ByteValue property is 1
// Int32Value property is 1
// SingleValue property is 1

We can agree that the end result doesn’t exactly live up to the expectation of anonymous values being “random”. Starting from version 2.2, however, this behavior is due to change.

The fresh new way

AutoFixture has taken a different approach to numeric specimen generation and will now by default return unique values across all numeric types. Running our first example in AutoFixture 2.2 will therefore yield a very different result:

var fixture = new Fixture();
Console.WriteLine("Byte specimen is {0}, {1}",
Console.WriteLine("Int32 specimen is {0}, {1}",
Console.WriteLine("Single specimen is {0}, {1}",

// The output will be:
// Byte specimen is 1, 2
// Int32 specimen is 3, 4
// Single specimen is 5, 6

In other words, AutoFixture is being a little more “non-deterministic” when it comes to numeric test values. Take for example the following scenario:

public class NumericBag
    public byte ByteValue { get; set; }
    public int Int32Value { get; set; }
    public float SingleValue { get; set; }

var fixture = new Fixture();
var specimen = fixture.CreateAnonymous();
Console.WriteLine("ByteValue property is {0}", specimen.ByteValue);
Console.WriteLine("Int32Value property is {0}", specimen.Int32Value);
Console.WriteLine("SingleValue property is {0}", specimen.SingleValue);

// The output will be:
// ByteValue property is 1
// Int32Value property is 2
// SingleValue property is 3

See how all the numeric properties on the generated object have different values? That’s what I’m talking about.

Now, in theory, this shouldn’t be considered a breaking change. I say this because AutoFixture is all about anonymous variables, which, by definition, can’t be expected to have specific values during a test run. So, as long as you’ve played by this rule, the new behavior shouldn’t impact any of your existing tests.

However, if this does turn out to be a problem or you simply prefer the old way of doing things, you shouldn’t feel left out in the cold. The previous behavior is still in the box, packaged up in a nice customization unambiguously named NumericSequencePerTypeCustomization. The simple act of adding it to a Fixture instance will restore things the way they were:

var fixture = new Fixture();
fixture.Customize(new NumericSequencePerTypeCustomization());

If you wish to try this out today, I encourage you to go head and grab the latest build off of AutoFixture’s project page on TeamCity. Enjoy.

August 01, 2011 Posted in programming  |  autofixture

Anonymous delegates in AutoFixture

I’m excited to announce that AutoFixture now officially supports delegates in the main trunk up on CodePlex.

If you aren’t familiar with AutoFixture, let me give you the pitch:

AutoFixture is an open source framework for .NET designed to minimize the ‘Arrange’ phase of your unit tests. Its primary goal is to allow developers to focus on what is being tested rather than how to setup the test scenario, by making it easier to create object graphs containing test data.

Does this sound interesting to you? In that case head over to the AutoFixture CodePlex site and find out more. You’ll be glad you did.

For those of you already familiar with AutoFixture, the newly added support for delegates means that every time AutoFixture is asked to create an anonymous instance of a delegate type (or more precisely a delegate specimen), it will actually return one, instead of throwing an exception.

So, you’ll be able to say things like:

public delegate void MyDelegate();

var fixture = new Fixture();
var delegateSpecimen = fixture.CreateAnonymous();

and get back a delegate pointing to a dynamically generated method, whose signature matches the one of the requested delegate type. In other words AutoFixture will satisfy the requests for delegates by providing a method specimen.

That’s cool, but it may leave you wondering: what on Earth does a method specimen do when it gets invoked? Well, in order to answer that question, we need to look at the signature of the delegate that was requested in the first place. The rule basically says:

  • If the signature of the requested delegate has a return value (i.e. it’s a function), the method specimen will always return an anonymous value of the return type.
  • If the signature of the requested delegate doesn’t have a return value (i.e. it’s an action) the returned method specimen will have an empty body.

This principle is best illustrated by examples. Consider the following code snippet:

var fixture = new Fixture();
var funcSpecimen = fixture.CreateAnonymous();
var result = funcSpecimen();

// result = "fd95320f-0a37-42be-bd49-3afbbe089d9d"

In this example, since the signature of the requested delegate has a return value of type String, the result variable will contain an anonymous string value, which in AutoFixture usually translates into a GUID. On the other hand, if requested delegate didn’t have a return value, invoking the anonymous delegate would do just about nothing:

var fixture = new Fixture();
var actionSpecimen = fixture.CreateAnonymous();
actionSpecimen("whatever"); // no-op

Note that in both cases any input arguments passed to the anonymous delegate will be ignored, since they don’t have any impact on the generated method specimen.

Now, if you’re using AutoFixture from its NuGet package (which, by the way, you should) you’ll have to wait until the next release to get this feature. However, taking advantage of it with the current version of AutoFixture requires a minimal amount of effort. Just grab the DelegateGenerator.cs class from AutoFixture’s main trunk on CodePlex and include it in your project. You’ll then be able to add support for delegates to your Fixture instance by simply saying:

var fixture = new Fixture();
fixture.Customizations.Add(new DelegateGenerator());

You can even wrap that up in a Customization to make it more centralized and keep your test library DRY:

public class DelegateCustomization : ICustomization
    public void Customize(IFixture fixture)
        if (fixture == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("fixture");

        fixture.Customizations.Add(new DelegateGenerator());

Before finishing this off, let me give you a more concrete example that shows how this is useful in a real world scenario. Keeping in mind that delegates offer a pretty terse way to implement the Strategy Design Pattern in .NET, consider this implementation of the IEqualityComparer interface:

public class EqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer
    private readonly Func equalityStrategy;
    private readonly Func hashCodeStrategy;

    public EqualityComparer(Func equalityStrategy, Func hashCodeStrategy)
        if (equalityStrategy == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("equalityStrategy");

        if (hashCodeStrategy == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("hashCodeStrategy");

        this.equalityStrategy = equalityStrategy;
        this.hashCodeStrategy = hashCodeStrategy;

    public bool Equals(T x, T y)
        return equalityStrategy(x, y);

    public int GetHashCode(T obj)
        return hashCodeStrategy(obj);

That’s a nice flexible class that, by allowing to specify the comparison logic in the form of delegates, is suitable in different scenarios. Before the support for delegates was added, however, having AutoFixture play along with this class in the context of unit testing would be quite problematic. The tests would, in fact, fail consistently with a NotSupportedException, since the constructor of the EqualityComparer class requires the creation of two delegates. Luckily, this is not a problem anymore.

January 04, 2010 Posted in programming  |  .net

Fixing a bug in ASP.NET Ajax and the pain of leaky abstractions

There was a time when all my energies and effort went into building web applications. In the beginning the platform I was on was Microsoft ASP 2.0, but since 2002 it became all about ASP.NET Web Forms.

I still remember clearly the excitement there was around the programming model and architecture brought by Web Forms. The new code-behind style allowed to finally separating a web page’s layout from its code logic. The server controls programming model were built so that developers could build web pages pretending they were Windows Forms.

The promise of Web Forms was that web developers would never have to touch HTML and JavaScript ever again. They could simply have to add a bunch of .NET controls to a class, set a couple of properties and web pages would magically appear in the browser.

Although ASP.NET Web Forms was designed with a noble goal in mind, it turned out the Forms/Controls metaphor never completely worked for the web.

Sure, the Web Forms model boosted productivity compared to previous technologies like ASP. However it never succeeded in shielding developers from having to deal HTML, CSS and JavaScript. That essentially meant ignoring the very basic elements of the web.

This is a story of how I was painfully reminded of this reality.

ASP.NET and the Ajax Control Toolkit

At some point in time the Web became all about rich user interaction. One way to achieve this was through the power of asynchronous HTTP requests made through JavaScript, which returned XML data. This combination is commonly referred to as [Ajax][2]. When Ajax got widespread popularity, Microsoft built upon the Web Forms model to enable developers to leverage this new programming paradigm. Once more with the promise of ever having to touch a line of JavaScript.

This effort culminated in a new infrastructure made available in the .NET Framework 3.5 and a collection of Ajax-enabled server controls. AspNetAjaxLogo Once dragged into a Web Forms page, these controls would instantly deliver rich functionality by emitting the required JavaScript code to make it happen.

Contrarily to what had been done in the past, the new Ajax controls were not made part of an official version of the .NET Framework, but only the underlying framework support they need in order to work. The control themselves were released as an open-source project called the [ASP.NET Ajax Control Toolkit][4] hosted on the [Microsoft CodePlex site][5].

The illusion

After having been away from web development for almost three years, I’ve lately been involved in a project to build a web application. Of course the customer expected a modern and interactive web application, which meant we were going to be using Ajax on the frontend to some extent.

After having brought myself up to speed on the latest innovations around Ajax in ASP.NET 3.5, I was excited at the idea of be able to deliver that kind of functionality on a web page without having to handcraft (and debug) gobs of JavaScript. Or at least, so I thought.

Facing reality

I have to admit that the Ajax support in ASP.NET 3.5 held up to my high expectations quite well. Up until the Web Forms metaphor leaked again and I was roughly brought back to earth.

It turns out the ComboBox control contained in the Ajax Control Toolkit has a nasty bug that manifested itself for me when I used it inside a TabPanel control (also part of the same library).

Here is what happens: the first screenshot shows a ComboBox control inside a TabPanel that is visible when the page loads for the first time. Below is another ComboBox control this time hosted in a second TabPanel that is initially hidden.

ASP.NET Ajax ComboBox control working ASP.NET Ajax ComboBox control broken

The second definitely doesn’t look right. After a quick check to [the documentation available online][8] I couldn’t find anything I was doing wrong when using the controls. The only possible explanation was that there must be a bug in the JavaScript generated by the ComboBox. Let me just check. Yes, [here it is][9].

Apparently there is currently no plan from Microsoft to fix this issue anytime soon. That could mean only one thing: I had to dig in and debug the JavaScript myself. The Web Forms’ bubble had burst once again.

The “pragmatic” workaround

After having downloaded the AJAX Control Toolkit source code off CodePlex, I started to look around among the project files. I quickly indentified that the JavaScript code for the ComboBox control is all contained in a single file found in /AjaxControlToolkit/ComboBox/ComboBox.js (actually the ComboBox.debug.js file contains the original source code while its ComboBox.js counterpart contains the [minified JavaScript][10] optimized for production).

The general design of the client-side Ajax framework and controls built by Microsoft makes a lot of sense and the source code is well organized. This allowed me to quickly arrive at the root of the problem, which is:

The ComboBox control calculates its size (width and height) during initialization relatively to the size of its parent container. If the parent container is hidden when it gets measured, the returned size will be zero. That means the ComboBox has nothing to calculate its own site against and it ends up looking the way it does.

Without having to dig too much into the inner workings of the ComboBox, I came up with the simplest possible solution to the problem:

We need to make sure that the ComboBox’s parent container is visible during the control’s initialization phase. That way the ComboBox’s size can correctly be calculated and assigned. Afterwards we can restore the parent container to its original state.

In order to achieve this I added the following code (lines 9-16 and 30-40) to the ComboBox.debug.js file:

AjaxControlToolkit.ComboBox.prototype = {

    initialize: function() {

        AjaxControlToolkit.ComboBox.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize');

        // Workaround for issue #24251
        var hiddenParent = this._findHiddenParent(this.get_comboTableControl());
        var hiddenParentDisplay;

        if (hiddenParent != null) {
            hiddenParentDisplay =;
   = "visible";
   = "block";


        if (hiddenParent != null) {
   = "hidden";
   = hiddenParentDisplay;

    _findHiddenParent: function(element) {

        var parent = element.parentElement;

        if (parent == null || == "hidden") {
            return parent;

        return this._findHiddenParent(parent);



Yes I know this isn’t the most elegant solution, but it works. After all, I said it was going to be pragmatic.

Once I made sure the patch worked correctly, I used the freely available [Microsoft Ajax Minifier][13] to produce a new ultra-compact (or [minified][14]) version of the ComboBox.js file.

Integrating the workaround into the solution

The workaround itself may not be a piece of art. However the way it got integrated into the existing ASP.NET web application is quite elegant in my opinion. Let me give a quick background first.

With ASP.NET Web Forms 3.5 Microsoft introduced a new mechanism for delivering JavaScript content into web pages. This is done by a specialized server control called the [ScriptManager][15].

All controls that need some piece of JavaScript code to in order to work, have to register the required scripts with the ScriptManager. Its responsibility is to make sure that the links to the appropriate resources are ultimately included in the page output.

The ScriptManager obviously plays a central role in the ASP.NET Ajax infrastructure. However it has some great features too. In this case  I’m referring to the possibility to substitute a JavaScript resource required by a server control with a local resource. [Scott Hanselman][16] wrote a [great article explaining how to take advantage of this feature][17], which served me well in this case.

Since all JavaScript files contained in the Ajax Control Toolkit are statically compiled in the AjaxControlToolkit.dll assembly, the only way to replace the original ComboBox.js file with the patched one without having to deploy a recompiled version of the library, was to substitute the original reference within the ScriptManager and have it point to a local version of the file.

Here is how it was done:

<asp:scriptmanager id="scmScriptManager" runat="server">
        <asp:scriptreference path="~/UI/Scripts/ComboBox.js"
                             assembly="AjaxControlToolkit, Version=3.0.30512.20315,
                             Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=28f01b0e84b6d53e" />

What about the original ComboBox.debug.js file? Well, the ScriptManager is smart enough to deliver the appropriate version of the file whenever debugging is enabled in the web application’s configuration file. This will work automatically as long as both files are located in the same folder on the server and are named according to the following convention:

  • Original: filename_.debug._js
  • Optimized: filename.js

You can download the modified JavaScript files from the link at the end of this page. Note that they are based on and will work with the [Ajax Control Toolkit release 3.0.30512][18].


The Ajax support built into [ASP.NET 3.5 Web Forms][19] together with the control freely available in the [Ajax Control Toolkit][20] is a powerful combination. When used wisely it will allow you to get quite far in creating rich and interactive web pages without having to worry about JavaScript.

However we all know that [software abstractions are leaky][21], and this is especially true for the one that is ASP.NET Web Forms. That means that sooner or later you will have to take control of what’s being sent down to the browser, whether it be the HTML markup, CSS stylesheets or JavaScript code. And when that time comes, you’d better be prepared.

  • Download Ajax Control Toolkit ComboBox JavaScript files </i> </ul> </div> /Enrico [2]: [4]: [5]: [8]: [9]: [10]: [13]: [14]: [15]: [16]: [17]: [18]: [19]: [20]: [21]: